Thursday, January 13, 2011

Vitamin String Quartet viva la vida - Coldplay

I really do not know the difference between a quartet or a trio.
But when I heard the music I was entralled.
Haunting strings on a G flat - joking I do not know the musical notes.
What I heard was sufficient
To know that it is music
Played to satisfy
My ears
The picture
Above with Viva
The tempo quickens now
Like distant drums beating silently
What else do you expect of me
A music deaf personality here
Bemusing you I hope
In a whirl
I caught

Friday, January 7, 2011

Excuse me. We are Japanese. How's MCA?

A group of Japanese University Professors
On a Goodwill Visit to MCA Hq in Jalan Ampang
Led by Dr KIMURA, Hirotsune
Received by NGO Bureau Head, Dato' Ti Lian Ker
Dep Head Dato' Dr Wong Sai Hou & committee members
"Excuse us, we are Japanese Professors from Nagoya,
How is MCA and the support from the public after 308?"
MCA is changing for the better with unity among its leaders
and grassroots. Morale is good. On the ground interaction working.

Monday, January 3, 2011

An Intrusion to Moonlight Dancing by #mmPoem

My first attempt in a poetry blog was the result of an inspirational mood by 2 people who were involved in writing a poem blog by line for line twitting in their #OneWednesdayPost. I could not resist adding my lines for each line they each wrote. Theirs was Moonlight Dancing. My humblest apologies for such rapturous intrusions of the poetic moments

My lines are in bold and italics


Her sad eyes shone only in the moonlight

Dejected by the latest lover’s tiff

She danced beneath the silver canopy of rain kissed leaves,

When she thought no one was looking.

Her sadness turned to joy when she started to dance

He noticed her grace from afar as he stealthily froze

The earth turned to dark green velvet at the touch of her sweet feet

Twirling so lightly but firmly on her tip toes

No storm could stop her dancing

He sensed her wanton pull and could not resist

Her desire endless

Loves molecules streaming the surrounding

Her nostril flared greedy for his scent she sensed in the air

He could not help himself as his body gyrate in motion

She knew him and knew his pace

Moved by love’s magic spell

Felt him from the distance

Yet he did not want his presence seen

The warm wet air caressed life into every pore of her skin

She felt alive with the dance but

Every drop of rain on her body reminded the past tears

Unnecessary lover’s tiffs that hurt that wounds the heart, leaving trails

Of long melancholy nights spent walking in wood searching, wishing on the moon

Oh Love should we get together again

Walking on paths of emotions at the end of dreams in the moonlight

Sunday, January 2, 2011

whispers-from-diary-of-8-year-old-girl - Day 2

Whispers Jan 2

Date Jan 2 , 1994

8.00am In schooll doing school work
Sorry it's Sunday never mine

9.00am In school still

10.00am Rehat at 10.30

Lunch Don't have

1.00pm Go home at 1.05

2.00pm At gym senter doing gym

3.00pm. Still there

4.00pm. Finish at 4.45

5.00pm. Go home time

Evening. At home now

1. She tried log entries as in the diary
2. She was selected to train in gymrama Commonwealth games 1998
3. That's all she wrote

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Whispers from the diary of an 8 year old girl : Day 1

Date: 01-01-1994

Well it's 94 and it's Januari so it's a new year.
I am starded four.
My class name is4 Delima.
I think i am happy abit and sad.
Of something, soon or later do not worry i will be happy.
I am in comenwlef still.

It is very hard this day's.
So i must work hard at all tings.

Mean piano, gim, homework, timetable, matematik, English, B. Malaysia, KH, Pendidikan moral and all the subgeit i have.

To dear diary how are you!
I am fine
do you good
well that i can write
next time i can write on you
Bye-Bye to pen,Diary, twins, and me.

From a signature and drawings

  1. The spellings with mistakes and wrong grammer left intact
  2. Some spellings in B. Malaysia
  3. She thinks logically and has drive
  4. Spoke even to her diary that was a desk diary that I gave her

Saturday, October 23, 2010

3 HEADED DOG.....???

The Greek mythology name is KerberoV, the transliteration is Kerberos and the Latin Spelling is Cerberus. Finally KJ has nailed the opposition PR as what they are: " The opposition represents 3 Malaysia - In PAS Kelantan it is a Muslim Hudud State, In DAP Penang there's no New Economic Policy (N."EP) and in PKR Selangor it's anything (?sapu) goes"

The 3 headed watchdog guards the gates of Hades: the keeper of the underworld- the realm of ghosts. So how can the Rakyat be duped to place all their faith and trust in them. Yes BN is not perfect, in fact after 53 years of Independence (Merdeka) and 47 years of Malaysia formation there is still alot of room for improvement for Barisan Nasional.

Najib has started with PEOPLE FIRST and now he is PARTY FIRST to brace for GE13.

MCA has Dr Chua Soi Lek as President and he is full time at work to consoldate party unity for GE 13. His vocality is MCA and MCA is taking to the new media and voters registration seriously with a target of 50,000 new voters to be registered and we are moving there. The economic cake must be enlarged for all and not one of a shrinking cake to be enjoyed by some only. What is enshrined in the Federal Constitution shall be upheld.

MIC will have a new President soon. Thus the spirit of Alliance lives on and now with Barisan Nasional considering admission of direct membership by a ?simple majority will sure bring about bigger grassroots support.

Going back to the Cerebrus it has its weaknesses:

1) It can be tamed and put to slumber by music from Orpheus by playing his lyre. No wonder PAS Youth in KL & Selangor keep on demonstrating against pop shows. Big thumbs thumb for them who do not realise in cyberworld everyone has access. So why bother!!!

2) Hercules in one of his twelve labors, fought and subdued Cerebrus and dragged the latter away.

Thus BN with all the component parties must use this UNITED STRENGTH from all the component parties and do this Herculain labour to overcome the Opposition who are only good when in opposition of NO ACTION TALK ONLY (NATO) and even when in power in 5 states after 308 is still NATO.

The Rakyat wants to see BN changing for the people. Walk The Talk in all areas and fully implement 1Malaysia from all angles. A thriving economy and a bigger cake for all, good governance and be transparent, create more job opportunities for all, monitor and promote a fair stake of promotions and scholarships on merits for all. The list still goes on etc

It is not an impossible challenge. BN shall and BN must. The first step is now the Galas and Batu Sapi By Elections.